Welcome to the Researcher Development Hub.
Here you can find a link to our training sessions in the WPDA as well as on-demand recordings of previous sessions.
Both the upcoming sessions and self-service listings will grow throughout the year as we continue to shape the support on offer to best suit your needs, so do subscribe to the Research and Knowledge Exchange Office newsletter to remain up to date.
You will find a range of topics from across the Research and KE spectrum covered here, including grant writing, networking, research ethics, finding funding and writing papers. We are always keen to expand the support on offer however, so if there are areas not covered here which you feel would help your development, do contact Lisa McGinty – Researcher Development Manager k.pang1@westminster.ac.uk
You can find out more about the R&KE Office and the range of expertise within it, read about our commitment to researcher development and read the institution’s obligations as signatories to the Researcher Development Concordat.
We hope you find this hub a useful resource as it develops
If there is a specific gap you feel the R&KE Office could better support, please let us know by emailing research-knowledge-exchange-office@westminster.ac.uk